Spooky Insect Halloween Decor

here is a quick and easy halloween craft.
i wont give too much detail since there are so many photos.

heres what you need:
plastic bugs & rats
$1 wood craft frame
hot glue gun/glue
spray paint

use push pins to lift your frame away from the newpaper keeping it from sticking.

spray & let dry.
No M! Don't eat the rubber rats! They aren't gummies!

hot glue the critters to the frame.

let the kiddos get involved too!

use push pins again to help keep frame off newspaper.
notice the hot glue strands...tried to make it look like spider webs!

allow it to dry really well.

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  1. Where did you find the creepy bugs and such?

  2. Expert Advice · Camping ... Encountering wildlife outdoors can be a profound experience. ... Your main choices when selecting an insect repellent are the following: ... Plant-based repellents appeal to those who prefer more natural formulations, but home remedy mosquito repellent,


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