DIY Marquee Sign : EAT for Dinning Room

i have seen several diy marquee sign tutorials on pinterest so i decided to try it our myself.
this project cost me about $25 dollars and 3 hours of my time.
here were the results.

excuse the cell phone photos but for some reason i couldn't locate my camera until this morning
(scary for someone who uses it to make $$ but it was under all the school supplies i purchased yesterday for mr. b)

 here are the links to my inspiration (with instructions on how to make your own):
oh happy day (i love you jordan! you are such an inspiration)
craft gossip (love this site for inspiration too!)
ALSO if you don't want to make these you can purchase them here:
urban outfitters ($189 per letter)

the letters i made are about 2' x 3' and stretch out from ceiling to floor in my dinning room.
i probably should have made them smaller but i have a huge dinning area that is hard to place furniture so this looks great in there.

ps: this is not an eco friendly craft :(
im sure i could have made it one if i had thought ahead
 but it is still thrifty
and what leftovers i have we will use for a later project


  1. Where did you get the template for your letters? I need this same exact size

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